Thursday, December 22, 2011

Learning the Art of Living - I

Day 1:
Art of breathing: To breathe in the stomach, so that diaphragm gives enough space for the lungs to expand. Usually we use only 30% of our lungs' capacity, of which brain is the organ that needs circulated oxygen most.
Practiced: Ujjayyi Pranayam, Bhastrika Pranayam

Art of listening: To listen with your heart and your head. To be analytic yet emotional. 

Day 2: 
Where does the mind go? At any time mind is only in two past memories, or in future planning and hypothesis...glorifying all good things and making the bad things worse. Our mind is super active, and that's how it should be, but should be in control. Our control. That is enlightenment.
The key of doing that is to be present in the present.

* Present is inevitable. Accept it.
(Vartman atal hai. Ise sweekar karo)

You want happiness.. but are you prepared for sadness?
* Opposite values are complementary to each other.
(Vipreet Paristhitiya Ek doosre ki poorak hoti hai.)

Introduction to a life changing activity: SoHam breathing exercise. A divine path to knowing self through meditation.

Day 3:
What is responsibility? and who takes responsibility? Responsibility is not given. It is taken, and whoever takes most responsibility is the most empowered person.

If you don't want to complain about life- take more responsibility towards it. Treat it more preciously. Increase your feeling of belonging towards yourself, your family, your present. This will ensure power and peace. As you will become more responsible, your complains will decrease.
The commitment of giving 100% to every waking moment is the art of living.
Expectations reduce joy and surprises induce joy!

Reached a new level of consciousness by SoHam.

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