Thursday, August 30, 2012

Rewind to Seinfeld - The Mother of all Comedies

Sometimes the road less travelled is less travelled for a reason. - Jerry

Ya know, its not fair people are seated first-come-first-served. It should be based on who's hungriest. - Elaine

He purposely mispronounced my name. Instead of saying "Costanza", he'd say "Can't-stand-ya, can't stand ya!" He made me smell my own gym socks once. - George

I must have been out of my mind. Look at you. Why don't you do something with your life? Sit around here all day, you contribute nothing to society. You're just taking up space. How could I be with someone like you? Couldn't respect myself  - Kramer

The fantastic four :D !!

Friday, August 3, 2012

A U B is not marriage.

Marriage is not a union of two souls, its an intersection of two souls (Ref: Venn Digram). ONLY the common habits, common hobbies, common interests survive, rest everything stays out of the box. Even if not initially, but eventually it is pushed OUT of the box.
So which is why it is not shallow at all to seriously reconsider a marriage proposal if your passions are not common and are non negotiable, because if at all they dont match in the marriage, the life expectancy of your interests will shorten abruptly.
I know, about ' But wont you get a brand new person who loves you and cares for you in wake of giving up ONE lousy hobby!!?!'. Well you do- but thats it. And the moment u're out of your honeymoon mode, you'll need ur hobbies back !!

P.s. Dedicated to all my peeple looking for love and marriage!! :)