He chews all the stuff I own...including my phone!! has done it...many times. He pees in my plants.. pads around with his muddy paws all over the white tiles before allowing me to wash them..
But he's who I allow even in solitude. He's truly my best friend :)
He's my pet dog, Pasha! and here's what his life around me is teaching me everyday..
Unlike us, Pasha does everything from the bottom of his heart! Whether he wags the tail or barks.Have you ever seen a dog that suffers from inferiority complex or ego problems? Have you ever seen a dog that pretends to be someone he is not? I haven't !
Here is a brief summary of “Pasha Pilanti” life lessons:
- Give and accept affection, freely and often;
- Always be curious about the world around you, especially when new people come into it;
- Take naps; Lots of them!
- Forgive friends who don't have time to play;
- Go out of your way if they do;
- Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joy-ride;
- Get the most out of the experience of fresh air and wind in your face;
- When family members come home, always run to greet them;
- Protect your territory;
- Run, romp, and play daily;
- Be loyal;
- Never pretend to be something you're not;
- If you want what is buried, dig until you find it;
- When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close and nuzzle them gently;
- Don't bite when a simple growl will do;
- On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree;
- When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body;
- No matter how often you're scolded, don't feel guilty and pout. Run right back and make friends;
- Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.
To quote someone special, "Men as well as animals do whatever makes them happy, differences lie in what makes them happy" :)
References for pet lovers: