Saturday, April 11, 2009

I Miss You

What is space? Is it created by presence of absence, or absence of something?

If we are so fond of space, why do we clutter the space around us, only to miss the empty space later.
Inspite of my simultaneous opposite cravings , why are my phone bills on a constant rise these days? Why do I allow some people to come so close to me, that I start missing them even when they leave a gap for air to breathe? The void, which eventually gets filled, hurts almost physically, in the present. It robs the brain of its power to think constructively and rationally. And it deflates the spirit. The void becomes so huge that it sucks everything from your life, and still be a void. I like to take chances. I would like to take chances on the sadness in future, if it is worth the happiness right now.

"meinu jadvi tussi ho yaad aaye, din dihade mein sharab le baitha"..


Unknown said...

You are a wonderful writer.After reading this one,I read every single post without knowing when I finished them all.

They all are bind-blowing. With your superb vocabulary, you have articulated some complex thoughts with classy and artistic touch.

Hats off!!!!

Keep blogging n keep Smiling..

Snehal said...

Thanks, Bud!