Sunday, June 15, 2008

Mutual Investments

Family, friends, relatives, acquaintances, pets are euphemisms for investments. Our investments in our fellow beings, in order of the returns.
This is not new or even bad.. It has always been like this. From the times of the neanderthal man to the Gucci-clad new-age man.

A whole big bank of favour runs, having branches and outlets everywhere. I dont even want to get down to start explaining how everyone invests in everyone else and how are the returns are encashed.

Some people, very few and rare species are also the philanthropists. Ones who emanate genuine warmth and kindness, without expecting returns. Huh.. they must have a lot stored already.!

The dour effect of inflation has not spared even this face of our already wilted interests. As our daily needs and commodities are getting dearer, so is our capacity to give. Come to think of it...we dont need to GIVE anything. These times have already toughened up people. Inspite of that, everyone has some weak moments. Maybe their only sign of being a human, as most of the times everyone is busy pretending to be the most competent robot of the army or most funny colleague, or most happening teenager, or.. the list goes on.

That weak moment. That little window. So brittle, that one could break.. All that is needed at that time is for people to be kind. And since we cannot trust strangers to be kind to us, we invest in our people to return us with kindness. That is all. All the hodge-podge of all relationships that we have, boils down only and only to this.

My point is that: We dont need to give anything to anyone.
A simple smile or a thank you or a helping hand can make anyone's day. If someone falls.. dont laugh. Help him up. Thats the way it is.
So.. to make a very long sentence short:

Be kind.

Think about it.


Journey begins... said...

thats being 1 step ahead on MFs. great thought and true as well.

Vinod Ramamoorthy said...

Hmm .. I always had pondered on this too .. whether all relationships are need based. Friend,lover, father,son, daughter,wife .. Is everyone there bcos of the needs .. ?!

Unknown said...

that's an amazing thought...our world wud'v been a much better place if every1 thought so...atleast once in a year...!!!

Unknown said...

Well there is nothing more for me to say here.. but just remember that a deal is a deal.. same way as realationships are for needs!! ;)